Green Level High School Student Organizes Guest Speaker Event with Nicoa

by | Mar 15, 2021

nicoa dunne
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CARY, NC — Green Level High School student organizes guest speaker event for the school’s Ted Ed Student Talks Club to enrich learning.

“Communication and presentation skills are relevant for almost every field that you go into,” said Green Level High School student, Shweta Shah. “The club encourages students to begin developing them sooner.”

Shah, who is in tenth grade, co-founded the school’s Green Level TED- Ed Student Talks Club, which is part of a parent program with a similar name, hoping to further enrich learning when it comes to public speaking.

Green Level High School is part of the official TED-Ed Student Talks Program, which “supports students as they discover, explore and present their big ideas in the form of short, TED-style talks,” according to According to the program guidelines on the site, only educators, schools, and organizations can take part in the program.

Students in the program and club work together to develop their own talks by the end of the year. In an effort to support her fellow classmates, Shah organized for a guest speaker to visit the club on March 2nd at Green Level High School.

“The mission is to help teenager’s develop public speaking and presentation skills, as well as provide a platform for them to share their passions and ideas they’re enthusiastic about,” Shah said.

Bringing in a guest speaker is what Shah hopes will give students a better idea of how they can go about crafting their own talks. The guest speaker for the upcoming event will be Nicoa Dunne, a Wilmington-based certified coach who specializes in executive leadership coaching.

Shah is most interested in business, but has recently explored data science and statistics as a potential career focus. As she finishes her high school career, she says she is focused on making a difference in her community. 

“As a student, I want to gain the knowledge and skills that will allow me to become a well rounded individual,” Shah said. “I want to use my education to help other kids reach their full potential through the TED-Ed Student Talks Club.”